Get your tickets NOW!

Tickets available here

Silent auction available here

PS 132 Parents and Friends, April 13th is our Party for a Purpose Fundraiser, from 6-8 at Easy Lover.

The event is a silent auction fundraiser. We’ve had a tremendous outpouring of the most generous donations from our community - Thank YOU!!! We would love to see your beautiful faces at Easy Lover but if you can’t make it DON’T WORRY --Anyone can bid, so share the link! Lets’s keep moving closer to our goal of $60,000 for our Shining Stars! Proud to be 132!!!

Other upcoming events!

  • Pep Rally
  • Kite Day
  • More to come!

Do you have more questions?

There will be updates coming to this site soon, to share more info on upcoming events, share past meeting notes and more. If you need anything in the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Email Stevey Maccheyne at for more information.